Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Absence Does Make the Heart Grow Fonder!

 Okay, so I don't want this blog to be a place that only states the negative of being a military spouse and having your husband leave, cause there really are so many great things that come with this "job".  For one, absence does really make you realize how much you love and appreciate your spouse on a much deeper level.  It also allows for sweet and thoughtful things to occur that don't normally happen daily around our house.  For example, ever since my husband has been gone we have been finding these little notes tucked in all around the house in our clothes, drawers, towels, etc.  Here are a few of them:
I mean imagine putting on a pair of pants on a day that maybe hasn't gone exactly how you have planned so far.  Maybe the kids are crying, fighting, not listening, etc., but then you reach into your pocket and find a note that says;
That will change your mood for sure!

And my five year old has really been missing her daddy alot and will act out because of it at times and you can only imagine how special she feels when she finds notes that say things like "have fun at swim lessons", "have a great day at school" or this one;
What special memories we have!  You can take these times of separation and be down and frustrated (we all have those moments) or we can try and climb out of our self pity and see the special things that can arise from time apart. 

I just want to tell my husband that I love you and really appreciate your thoughtfulness!  You are the best!

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