I just finished reading the most amazing book. It is called 7 an experimental mutiny against excess by Jen Hatmker.
This book is challenging me to look at my life and to see if I am really living as Jesus would. Of course none of us can be perfect like Him, but can my heart and actions be more like His? I think I can do better. I want my life to be more about enjoying my blessings and more about sharing my blessings. I want my heart to be drawn to do better, do more, love more, serve more, care more. I want it to be more natural for me to give, sacrifice, and love. I want to not only think of my own wants and desires, but to look at those around me that could meet Jesus through my acts of love and service. I am asking God to show me the areas I can be a blessing. To send the people my way that I can help, love, and serve. I'm not gonna lie, its a little scary cause I'm not sure what that might require me to sacrifice, but I don't want to live a life that only focuses on myself and want I desire any longer.